The Senses

The Senses

By Naomi Keddy

The human body contains five known senses which are taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight.


The tongue is the organ of taste. The taste buds taste the following:
  • sweet
  • Sour
  • Salt
  • Bitter
The nose is the organ of smell. Olfactory neurons in the nose detect many smells.

The Eye:

The Eye is the organ of sight and it maintains many parts of the eye and functions are as follows:

  • Eyelids: can cover and protect the eyes. 
  • Conjunctiva: thin transparent lining protecting the cornea
  • Cornea: front transparent part of the sclera. It focuses light rays on the retina.
  • Sclera: is a though, white coat that holds the eye in place.
  • Choroid: contains blood vessels supplying food and oxygen to the cells of the eye. 
  • Retina: the innermost layer that contains the receptor cells (rods and cone shape).
  • The fovea: is where our best vision is (mainly cone shape)
  • Iris: contains blood vessels and melanin [giving us our eye colour], and controls the amount of light entering the eye 
  • Pupil: is the black circle at the front of the eye. It lets light into the eye.
  • Cillary muscles: change the shape of the lens to focus the light on the retina.
  • Aqueous and vitreous humours: keeps the eye in shape.
  • Optic nerve: carries impulses to the brain.
  • Lens: focuses light on retina.

  • The Ear:

    The Ear is the organ of hearing and balance. The functions of the parts of the ear are as follows:

    • Pinna: outer visible ear, funnels sound into the ear canal
    • Auditory canal: tube leading to the ear drum. It has hairs and wax glands to trap dirt and germs
    • Eardrum: membrane of skin that vibrates when sound waves hit it and carries vibrations to the middle ear
    • Ossicles: (the hammer, anvil, stirrup) amplify the vibrations and pass them on the cochlea.
    • Cochlea: is responsible for hearing. It contains nerves that convert sound vibrations into electrical impulses.
    • Semi-circular canals: help us keep our balance and posture.
    • Eustachian tube: is not part of the ear, it connects the middle ear the pharynx and equalises pressure.
    • Organ of corti: in the cochlea which contains receptor cells that allow hearing.

    Hearing disorder:

    Glue Ear is:
    • A hearing disorder
    • Caused by too much sticky fluid in middle ear
    • Corrected by decongestants and grommets.

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