Cell Diversity

 Cell Diversity

By Naomi Keddy

Tissue is a group of similar cells modified to carry out the same function
Types of plant tissues:
·         Dermal tissue: surrounds and protects the plant. Eg Epidermis
·         Vascular Tissue: transports minerals in the plants. Eg Xylem; transports water and dissolved minerals and Phloem transports food.
Four Types of animal tissues:
·         Connective tissue: consists of cells dispersed in a matrix and surrounds its and supports the body.
Types of connective tissue
-Dense Connective tissue
-Adipose tissue
-Areolar tissue
-Compact bone
Examples of connective tissue:
1.       Cartilage: Provides strength and flexibility
2.       Bone: Allows movement, Stores calcium and contains forming blood cells
3.       Blood: Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Tissue Culture: is the growth of cells in sterile nutrient medium outside the body.
In vitro means outside of the body
Micropropagation: is the growth of large numbers of cells of a parent plant.
Monoclonal antibodies: combine with a specific type of antigen, this may be used to attach to and show the presence of antigens on cancer cells.
Growth of Skin: Patients skin grown outside of the body and new skin is grafted onto the wound, this is called a skin graft and is often used on badly burnt patients due the fact the their skin tissue too bad damaged to repair itself.

An Organ: is made up of a number of tissues working together to carry out the same function.
An Organ System: contains a number of working organs working together to carry one or more functions.          

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